Mari: “Et olen elanud pikalt USAs, on minu aju vastu võtmas ja väljendamas ka ingliskeelset sõnumit. Need väikesed luuletused on nagu päevik, mis avab mõned peatükid minu sise- ja kosmos-olemusest. Meil kõigil on see koht olemas, nii et loodetavasti leiate lugedes samastumise rõõmu.”
Täispaketti koos piltidega saab vaadata ja jälgida Instagramis mariuripicturepoems kontolt.

“What brings it in,
what brings it out…?
Who sees within –
can do without.”
“Soul is unbreakable
even though
“Stand by me
and our kids
will call us
a miracle.”
“Are you ready to go
from filling the holes
to using the stones
to build your mountain?”
“Attention wheels
create the reels…
But riding a bike
will ease up your hike.”
“Tell me lies,
I’ll tell you truth…
When studying flies –
you’ll spend your youth.”
“Nap time…
Tap time
to rest and
feel your dreams.”
“My favourite berries
are nature cooked cherries…
In love.”
“I love you with every breath…
In every pain,
with every smile of sun –
with every tear of rain.”
“Sensing love,
absorbing light…
Plus or minus –
not my fight.”
“Your song is who you are –
your rays…
The source –
it speaks in endless ways.”
“An angel wing
as a huge airplane…

Let’s keep it safe
and keep it sane.”

“Boys are gas
and girls are breaks…
Nature gives
a lot of stakes.”
“When missing someone –
sing it out…
Love is never
too loud.”
“Sirens put your
mind on hold –
watch your step
and guard your soul.”
“A random guy
on a random street…
Post your post
and make your tweet!”
“Tell me
where to start
and I will
fill my part.”
“As long as there is a bird who sings –
it is a spring…
As long as you keep flying –
you have wings.”
“You can make mistakes
robots never do…
But you are able to
feel the magic of doing.”
“Three of you
and one of me…
Love and beauty –
all can see!”
“Don’t worry…
You will be punished for
saving your soul –
which makes the escape worthwhile
every time.”
“When you become a water
which can fill
all the cups gracefully –
you will never complain.”
“The Earth
connected the dots –
wiped nicely out
all dirty spots…”
“Warmth in this cold
is white as hope…
As a cloud over the head
which never pores down
purple rain.”
“Let it go or keep it tight –
this is work and this is fight…
“I love you every morning
more and more like now…
My ways are filled with hearts
and thankful bow.”
“Lovers’ cards are
on the table…
We all play.
From June till May.”
“Throw towards me
the perfect stone…
We all have done it –
big or small.”
“Don’t expect ladies
to make any sense –
call confusion their hobby
and smiling their fence.”
“Are you ready to rain, ready to snow,
ready to fall, ready to grow?
My answers are yes, yours maybe no…
But the world is in flow –
always willing to go.”
“Screens are blue
and dreams are due…
Where you are looking
is making your booking.”
“Many gates arch over
our dizzy heads…
Still we know the love codes
and how in the world it spreads.”
“Empty streets
and buzy minds…
Sunday – fancy
full us finds.”
” Systems have eaten up
too many souls…
Heavens are cooking
their sins and their fouls…”
“The sacred love has touched me
and now I am touching you…
We meet our other parts when
the shadows are gone through.”
“We are all just
kings and queens
trying out the rice
and beans.”
“Meeting the world
in one single piece…
Giving big picture
in puzzles with peace.”
“Showing the face
birthed in one courting –
followed by lifetime
of love and supporting.”
“Everyone has a condition…
That is why
you and I
are all the same –
with a different name.”
“Precious presenting its
benefit bowls –
come you and join us…
There are no holes.”
“A plastic animal –
your daily friend…
Is it the blind spot
or another trend…”
“We view others as birds on the branches…
We hear their songs and admire their dances –
but it is actually a hard work of staying alive
while making it look so easy.”
“There is only one language
in the world –
and this is called
“Let’s keep the deep afloat…
There is a perfect boat –
out there.”
“Go and rest
with all your might…

‘Cause life is thick
and pants are tight.”

“Pushing the highs,
pulling the lows –

this is how spirit
endlessly grows.”

“I can fly
into the sky…

Earth is still here
our hearts of –

it’s a plan
we are parts of.”

“A meeting place
can hide a face…

A simple clue
may inspire you.”


“Fire in works –
the reason to live…
Everyday love –
the reason to give.”
“Make your way
and keep it still –
one step is never
a mountain hill.”
“Easter basket
full of hope…
To be chicken
but so dope!”
“We grow slowly
into the whole –
developing mind,
embracing the soul.”
“Many choices
don’t make noises…
Waiting still –
until you will.”
“Melting ice from
all around frozen…
There are skills
which have been chosen.”
“Cross your fingers –
hope for best…
Soul is doing
all the rest.”
“Take the half –
I’ll take the rest…
Your mind so fine,
your heart the best.”
“Endless, needless
stoic time
shows the main,
reminds the prime…”
“Just a whisper,
just a sigh
can create the heaven,
open sky…”
“Females getting
really springy…
Letting go of
winter clingy.”
“I have a stalker –
this is your heart…
Runner or walker –
love dances start.”
“Hang in there
no matter how…
So does an eagle,
so does a crow.”
“Only love can create
more love…
But a duck can’t turn
into a dove.”
“Scratches, dots –
your blind spots…
Helping improve
your every move.”
“Lots of tasks
require masks…
Who you are
is what you awe.”
“The one who bakes
your pancakes
is the one who forms
the snowflakes…”
“Rain is painting
rainbow dating…
Ground is happy
with new mapping.”
“Gimme this and
gimme that…
Blessings dropping
without chat.”
“Going south
but facing north –
back is front
what brings fear forth…”
“You love your toys,
I like mine…
You keep your noise –
I make a rhyme.”
“Multitask does never end…
Time always flies –
its wings we lend.”
“Digging deep for
what makes sense –
trust won’t rely
on the defence.”
“Flowing springs are
pulling strings –
voluptuous nature
out it brings.”
“Holding onto
thick and thin…
Soul will strive
until the win.”
“Being fully holy
like a moan or song…
Moments are so short –
but life in them is long.”
“Colours make it
worth and while…
No right judgement
before last mile.”
“Little gestures
big as god…
Words or deeds
as cleaning mud.”
“My attitude
is gratitude –
so never mute
your kind salute.”
“Lost again
in one song…
The dreamer’s time
is so long –
“White is light
and joy is bright –
missing both we
could or might…”
“Sleeping dragons
carrying wagons –
wishes thought…
And feelings sought.”
“Can I hold you
as I told you…
Every will
needs act still.”
“Symbiosis makes us strong…
A mirrow pic is
never wrong.”
“Human steps as spilling oil…
But it’s not easy
love to spoil.”
“I always remember
this butterfly wing…
That magic, that comfort
and hand-self-made ring.”
“Our dreams are
far from home…
Not every path
will lead to Rome.”
“Our flags are
always right…
It does not mean
we have to fight.”
“Sweet home from where
start many ways…
Your challenges
and blessed days.”
“Look at me –
I look at you…

Like on and off
we make it through.”

“Guardians are
angels hidden…

Every sin
is not forbidden.”

“Faking light
is making light

Even not so bright.”

“We can learn from
darkness, cold…

On this Earth
we all are bold.”

“How far is spring
from heart and head?
New starts are dormant…
Until you said.”

“Our faces
reveal races…
Many cases
switch their places.”
“Every step has
its own path…
We have to do
the aftermath.”
“Mornings tell you
hi good morning…
Evenings fade
without a warning.”
“Time is forever,
space is right here…
Baby – with you
I always care.”
“Forming ice on flowing river…
It’s so cold that have to shiver.
Love is under any stream – warm and cozy…
Sweet icecream.”
“Entering dreams –
no questioning why…
You self are a path,
be low or a high.”
“Greetings from
a happy heart –
love which makes us
wise and smart!”
“I am loosing it –
to find…
Seeing clearly
after blind.”
Come pick my berry –
feel happy and merry…
I’ll share them for free
since it’s from love tree!”
“Unwavering belief
is winning loss and grief…
It forms another gift
which makes another shift.”
“You care,
you dare –
you believe, you give…
Because of love.”
“Lights lighting up
all hearts and minds…
Rolling up
all curtains, blinds.”
“Portions ready
decent serving –
knife of courage
made its curving.”
“Birds and eggs –
sound just spreads.
Sky is full
of wonderful.”
“Who is telling
you your story…
Thy will deserve
all the glory.”
“Every day you
do the same –
you touch my heart,
you feed my flame…”
“Someone always
waits and cares…
Makes into dreams
all the nightmares.”
“Real feminine
and masculine –
together they get
out of sin.”
“Lovely ghosts
are sending posts…
With every letter
you get better.”
“Please do judge
the book by feeling –
inner knowing
loves the peeling.”
“Distance tells us
many stories…
Takes away
the sad and worries.”
“We are mirrors
and reflections –
with the flaws
and imperfections.”
“Single thoughts can
be your saviours –
many angels work
your favours.”
“Truth is seen
and truth is felt…
But everyone has
their own belt.”
“Temporary pleasure
seems most valuable treasure…
You work it to adore –
to want it more and more…”
“Roofs and mountains –
tops and flops…
You can climb
or wait what drops.”
“Circles they make us
take on those rounds –
he who believes
gets the losts and the founds.”
“Letting go –
but it is hard…
Even best
can get bombard.”
“People do not
grant you peace –
peace is
universe’s lease.”
“Rocket is soon
over the moon…
Here is the sun
confirming the fun.”
“Mark my words –
it’s meaning much…
No magic spell
is out of touch.”
“Mother’s love
is rarely spoken…
Real connections
can’t be broken.”
“Life is an interesting
reality show
where even the dummiest
raise up and grow.”
“Apple and pear
comparing in fear…
A sock and a glove
can mate in one love.”
“Riding a wave
or hiding in cave…
Your essence in charge
connecting as marge.”
“Choose your partners,
watch your speed…
Holding wheel
without a greed.”
“Lead my way
with holy horn –
our spirits harshly torn…
It’s the way we all are born.”
“Imagination really big
helps me fly and helps me dig…
Helps me wear my hat and wig,
straighten sails and every rig.”
“Lost or found,
free or bound…
Knots are tight
if you fight.”
“A lasting minute with a stranger
is a jolly year with you…
Not a fear nor single thunder
cover glasses rozy blue.”
“Trains and buses
go go go –
sending love
you so so so…”
“Recognize love
under disguise…
A heart that provides
the bliss and the prize.”
“All your days are
holy days –

difficult or
easy ways.”

“Colours make us
who we are…

The light will greet us
close or far.”

“I am looking at the sky –
there is love and there is high…
There is room for any space
to hold the hope and keep the grace.”

“Happiness is all there is –
it is everywhere like breeze,
it is like a light you see…
Full of amusement plenty, free.”

“Gravity has
magic caves…

Pulls us towards
the highest waves.”

“Thank you for your
thank you…
I just missed
the light blue.”
“You need music
for your dance…
So life is beauty –
blissful trance.”
“You self decide
how to become…
We all need heart
for love and calm.”
“Take a chance
to groove and dance –
life feels long
if you stay strong.”
“You can’t undo
that what is done –
but you can stay
or you can run.”

“Lift your weights
and measure baits…
Know your worth –
pick conscious traits.”

“What has made
the heart to bleed?
Inside mind
is hard to see.”
“Second guessing
light and weather…
Mind is in the wind
like feather.”
“Get ready for
unfolding trip –
it’s being destined,
loosing grip.”
“Don’t forget your
holy whistle –
golden age comes
down as mistle.”
“Ninety six and sixty nine –
I am yours and you are mine…
These two numbers form procent –
I hope your mind is innocent!”
“A storm
is a norm…
Getting used
to the form.”

“Find your way
in golden ray…
In silver beam
and flowing stream…”
“Crossing line can
bend your spine –
never break it.
You’ll make it.”
“The way to road
is without a sign…
Where you make steps
as your design.”
“Sometimes we wonder
why light is in dark…
Job is a job –
from the end you embark.”
“Let me see your bottom
which can be black or blue…
Your scars may look like stars –
the old is made as new.”
“You may not see
who’s behind you…
One should not worry –
right will find you.”
“We don’t wish
to be loved –
we just want to
feel loved…”
“Craziness is
nature’s say…

Neat and plain
is not the way.”

“Look at this cloud –
the sky is so proud…
You are my baby…
Pure love not a maybe.”
“There is always a bigger picture –
there is always an upper hand…
We look to the sky and wonder…
But must deal with we have at hand.”
“Stable boat
will take us far…
Spirit carries
tons of mar.”
“Do you see
what really matters?
Not what on
the surface flatters.”
“Remember me
from times ahead –
that’s the place
we all get led.”
“Universe does
speak in rhymes –
but must be read
between the lines.”
“The light
does not fight –
it shines
and undermines.”
“Little windows
in the eyes
keep us wake
to see the skies.”
“Some of us are really different –
feel alien in the world…
Embracing grace
makes all the difference –
there is no wrong
sound or a word.”
“Nature is
never broken –
ruin is an another
side of a token.”
“So many dreams
happen to us
suddenly without
screaming or fuss.”
“This moment will
feed you forever…
All of love
covers what ever.”
“Are you done
or are you going?
Seasons practice
smoothly rowing.”
“Hold it high
and hold it holy –
our parents did it too…
Playing fair
this monopoly –
even though
it’s quite a zoo.”
“Chasing the dreams
enlightens the beams –
every step on the way
brings out a new ray…”
“Tea for two
is ready for you…
What is inside –
you never can hide.”

“With you I want to
not make love –

with you I want
the love make me

as is above.”

“Fall is here
to fall away…

All what lived
its life astray.”

“Memories stand
proud and tall…

Past generations
tried it all.”

“Angel wings
can carry all –

big and huge…
Or hiding small.”

“Tao is subtle
flower kind –

if you search,
you’ll never find.”

“Hey dude,
where is your focus?
Your bodyguards
do hocus-pocus!”
“Literal tranquility…
Reflecting the humility.”
“Watch your step
while counting blessings…
Salt and pepper
in sweet dressings.”
“Don’t wonder when waking
and all around’s breaking…
This shows you new start of… –
where you will be part of.”
“Dearest father,
give us praise –
even though
we’ve different ways.”
“Double down
your mindful power –

gentle beauty
is soul flower.”

“Trim your grass
or shape your habits…
We all copy
apes and rabbits!”
“Heat in ashes,
burn out lashes…
Inner world
the outer smashes.”
“Soft or solid,
straight or curved…
Nature’s shapes
are well deserved.”
“We are meant
exist togeher –
still there is circumstance
and weather…”
“Holy moly
this is good –
nature sure is
your soul food!”
“Nature comes
to save us all –
find the cause
effects mind wall.”
“Earthquakes tell you
where to stand…
Where is stone
and where is sand.”
“This is me
with all my parts…
Placed and fallen –
born from hearts.”
“Light behind a shadow
is the one does
most of guiding.”
“Find your cave,
your little hole
where you feel
so safe and whole.”
“So much work
for so much matter…
Who will rest
can make it better.”
“Don’t forget
to draw the sun
on your picture –
make it fun!”
“Where is your flag?
Which is your tag?
Cherish your name…
This is your fame.”
“Picture your presence,
seeing a dream –
all is in a scene
you’ve already seen.”
“A swing can’t help
but be swinging…
And birds cannot
but keep singing.”
“Jumps so short
or leaps so long –
the same way
we move along.”
“Single word
can get you going…

Just one thought keep
dream clouds flowing.”
“Barbie world is
in the fashion –

pink has always been
the passion.”

“When yes is no
and no is maybe…

Then you know
you’ve found a lady.”

“When all is gone and all is healed –
the last bit bitter well off peeled… –
The grey is turning into white
and fog is clearing way to sight.”
“Universe’s turning points
bending, twisting all your joints…
You are learning at fast speed
how to love and what to breed.”
“Moon has friends –
them, you and me…
We all can breathe,
we all can see.”
“Big hearts
shouldn’t fail…

Be strong
until you sail.”

“Looks like I have nothing –
but I have everything…
I build my one and only
life full of wandering.”
“Evenings talk like
no one else…

Deepest secrets –

“Can you handle
the happiness –

or are you trying
to make it less?”

“Sowing stiches
into days…

Moments count.
It’s you who prays.”
“Come with me –
let’s find the way…

Step at a time –
no more to say.”

“Who is picking who?
How many is enough?
Sometimes you’ve got a clue –
but choosing can be tough.”
“Life just started
dear, today –

sun and shine are
on your way!”

“If you believe –
you shall receive…

All can be found –
Earth is still round.”

“Have you signed up
for light?

Buy a cake and
have a big bite!”

“Look for me –
I look for you…

In universal

“You can do it
is enough –

the road is tough.”

“Can you handle
the happiness –

or are you trying
to make it less?”

“Golden leaves
predict a rest… –

lucky you
with cozy nest.”

“Young and green
fresh as teen…

deeper light –
old but bright.”

“Rounded corners
make us lost…

Don’t avoid edge
at this cost.”

“Wait for light
if this is dark…

Find you might
another spark…”

“Good things sell well
themselves –

without the salesmen,
without the shelves…”
“Welcome Hobbit
to my yard –

I am ready for
some bard.”

“Hidden beauty
speaks so loud…

Please be modest
but still proud.”

“Hang in there you little soul –
life can be an unfair foul…
But your strength is in your grace –
Quiet, calm and peaceful place.”
“Lead me with love –
on ground or above…
Summer or fall –
I shall take it all.”
“Honey we are
unhindered –

everyone is,
so kindred.”

“What I do
when night is over?

Tryna again –
become sober…”
“Inside heart is
empty space

for you my darling –
just in case…”
“Love is made of
anything –

it does not
require ring!”

“Sun and flowers are
best friends…

Buddies do not break
their trends.”

“Please don’t notice
only sins –

life is full of

“Send me a letter –
the faster the better…
Love cannot wait –
it yearns for a trait.”
“Mark my words –
you want the truth…

Everyone is
loving youth.”

“Scars will heal
if you don’t peel.”
“Momentums tell me
where should I go…
Running is fun
if ready for road.”
“Tell me darling
where are you –

don’t let heart
to turn so blue…”

“Dots and lines
and marks in chart –

minor begins
any start.”

“Carry carry
carry seeds –

let your love make
many beads.”

“Don’t be stupid
all the way –

saving grace
is on it’s way.”

“Tell me more
and I will hear…

These are all
love songs my dear.”

“You give the life,
you give the name –

all existence is
not the same.”

“Don’t stop the movie –
watch to follow…
Much obliged –
you filled a hollow.”
“Pillar bottom
made of steel –

power presents
how you feel.”

“Baby baby how I miss you –
many thoughts how can I kiss you…
Mornings are so slow and light…
Evenings fast to please the night…”
“Wishes in wash
in a sky so high…
Trust oh my gosh
as divine flies by.”
“Tell me that
you seek the light…

Promise that you’ll take
that flight.”

“The way you can
describe a smell –

you can describe
a loving spell.”

“Stop and paint your
dreams come true…

Stories share
the spirit’s hue.”

“We may have contacts –
but missing connections…
It can be so lonely
in midst of reflections.”
“On windy beach
you turn into a flag…
With a nature tag.”
“Body, mind and soul are
having a meeting –

all life it starts with
your birth as a greeting.”
“Peace is made of
clay and dust…

Earthly dirt
and simple rust.”

“Bees on blossoms
sucking honey –

the same way we
should make money…”

“Darling, meet me by a fountain –
I like watching water mountain…
Drops of being soothing mild –
dream of splashing, wet and wild…”
“Do not think
that you are lost –

tons of signs
on every post…”

“Do not run
life is here –
what you search
may not be there…”
“I’ve never felt younger than now –
when love has touched me somehow…
Good morning my love, my soul –
this is what I call the whole.”
“Darling cosmos,
fill my plate…

I have love
and will and fate.”

“Look at me –
you pretty eyes!
memories got
endless size.”
“Black, brown and white
can be enough…
Full rainbow sure
may be too tough.”
“Different as sun and moon –
glowing ways are blending soon…
Ground and clouds will meet at last
like universe’s finest task.”
“So many faces
all over the places…
And so many hearts
waiting for parts.”
“Deep honesty requires

Lovingly guides us
towards participation.”

“Queen of spark is
watching over us –

king of dark is
yet protecting thus.”

“Believe that what
you manifest –

it all just starts
within your chest.”

“Little flowers
cover sand –

they don’t mind
how huge is land…”

“Name a place
you’d rather be…

But some of you –
already free.”

“What in the world is
wrong with them…?!

Where is your mind
there is your stem.”

“Landscape patterns
grow us up –

fills the cup.”

“Getting empty
until done…-

till all the fears
are fully gone.”

“One for me is
crystal clear –

prayer power
brough you here.”

“Meet me in the middle –
and I’ll show you
the tiny little things
how I get to know you…”
“Drop your limbo –
jump and run…
Life is precious,
life is fun!”
giving hints…
Which is princess?
Which is prince…”
“White is much whiter
and bright is so brighter…
Fights are for a fighter
and flames are for the lighter.”
“Offer comes
in different ways –

it depends
who does egg lays…”

“Are you ready
to be a hero?

Winners can choose
void and a zero.”
“Find a bird
from a roof…

You really have a soul –
there sits the proof.”
“Let’s see beauty
everywhere –

even in shadows
here and there…”

“You never know
where friends find you –
so have a mind
threads bind through.”
“Network helps
to keep us here –

light is creating

“Holy ground is
long time found –

since the birth
you’re big time worth.”

“Meaningful towers are
rightfully ours –

but how many hours
are spent on those powers…”
“Generations side by side
rising, falling like a tide…
Growing wiser, getting old –
no experience is told.”
“The sun is all you need to wonder –
where is moon…
One second, and another
and I will greet you soon.”
“Heart is so happy,
mind is so full…
Life can be crappy –
soul still beautiful.”
“Make it through
the mist and mud –

horizon is
wide and broad!”

“Being on the edge
of world –

no wonder you
don’t say a word.”

“Good morning my sun,
shine on me as always –
and make me blossom
here and in all ways!”
“When doubt it haunts
in huge amounts –
the trust what counts
is what you launch.”
“Flow of life is
full of stops –

speed prepares
for jumping hops.”

“Take your step
or have a bike –

anyway it’s
the same hike.”

“Bottom and surface
changing their place…
Shine can be inside,
different face…”
“Wheel of fortune
spinning fast…

Dream the dreams
which tend to last.”

“Many choices
for your ball…

Count your points –
but love them all.”

“Living life is
full of rings –

let’s prepare for
what it brings!”

“Whistle through your
mess and sorrow –

ease and light are there
to borrow!”

“We see what we are shown,
we catch what we are thrown…
We look through our eyes
but heart says – truth or lies.”
“Town or county
here and there…
Nature –
it is
“Welcome home
my love and light…

I never loose you
out of sight.”

“You don’t have to
play all games –

but boy make sure
to learn their names…”

“The universe is full of signs –
just read it’s poems full of rhymes…
No need to know by heart it’s lines…
All wisdom comes in all right times.”
“Every time I hear your voice –
my heart is making the same choice…
My spirit cannot but rejoice.”
“Diamonds are formed
under the pressure…
Time is a necessity
for any treasure.”
“Very soon you gonna be
a butterfly whom all can see…
But currently be safe and warm –
one cannot fly in crazy storm.”
“Let it go –
and you can drift…
Every moment
is a gift.”
“When you see
a bad vibe –

maybe it’s
a sad vibe…”

“Find your planet
or country, or island –
all of it shared,
nothing is my land.”
“Using your paint –
ghost or a saint…
Mixed or so raw –
don’t worry, I saw.”
“Something gets lost in a mind,
some things forgotten in heart…
One day you begin to remember –
but this is the way, not a start.”
“Hold it high and hold it holy –
our parents did it too…
Playing fair this monopoly –
even though it’s quite a zoo.”
“Are you thinking of roots
when wearing your boots?
The woods and the forests…
We – merely the florists.”
“Feel the touch
you love so much…
Act only good
to change the mood.”
“Cute curls remind of your hair –
determined as certain au pair…
For life I’d like to just stare –
from birth we’re being both fair!”
“One, two, three –
guess your mind is free!
Talking life path glory…
That’s another story.”
“Glass of water,
glass of wine –
turning tables
while you dine.”
“Love is peace –
piece by piece
collect your blessings,
godly dressings.”
“Patterns of nature –
so messy and nice…
Art is an art
human advice.”
“Take for granted
what I grant –
but don’t you pull out
what I plant.”
“The universe
is greeting you

on every corner –
plain and true.”

“Happy life requires little –
honest smile and tiny wiggle…
Just few words which are so right
and cutiest cuddles, warm and tight.”
“Lean on me
stony block –
you need soft and
sweet to rock.”
“Performing art
can make you smart…
But fame and stage –
another cage.”
“If your cage is
made of gold –
you got to be
an extra bold.”
“Please do feed me –
soon you need me…
Life is fair
if you pair.”
“Let me in your poemland –
here I feel like hand in hand…
There you see me
as I am.”
“Watch your life
passing by –
and make sure
you say “Hi!””
“Squares and rounds,
heights and pounds…
Flow in life like a water –
you’re Earth’s son or a daughter.”
“Come and sit with me,
come and eat with me –
I am here for you any time…
Until you meet with me,
Dear Mine.”
<62 >
“Cutting edges
make us strong…
Life is complex –
never wrong.”
“You experience emptyness everywhere –
at home and in dreamlands abroad…
But you find fulfillment only here –
in the heart so perfect and broad.”
“All arches are at display –
follow orders, or disobey…
You overcome, rebel, renew
till life colours are total brand new.”
“You can heal me
if you can feel me…
It’s hard to be banned from life –
but even harder when fired by wife…”
“Call me a candy
or sweetie or pie…
I prefer spirited –
which never die.”
“Love is not preachable,
willingly reachable –
mindly accountable…
It’s heartly amountable.”
“You may go around,
you maybe go straight…
You probably realize –
road’s the will, not a faith.”
“I want to die before I live…
I want to get before I give.
I want to hear before I talk…
I cannot fear before I walk.”
“Love me inside out,
love my seeds to sprout –
kiss my lips to blow…
Speed the time to slow.”
“No need to be stressed
when you are so blessed…
To be born is a choice –
sing songs with your voice.”
“Come and steal my hug,
close or from afar –
I just love so much…
The light is all you touch.”
“To look at one with helpful eyes –
it’s the hardest thing I know…
Take on and carry Earth and skies
without a single place to go…”
“Down on the earth, high in the sky…
Crawling like a worry, flying like a sigh…
We have got these legs,
we have got those wings…
Our steps are making stairs,
our ways are forming rings.”
“My gain is fair, my pain is dear,
it helps to reason loss…
Believe in light and high game balls –
life’s about a catch and toss.”
“Lucky you
happy me –
it’s a blessing
just to be.”
“Everyone is living a history,
a diary, interesting book…
And all of us wish for the mystery
that others turn heads to look.”
“The way to road
is without a sign

where you make steps
as your design.”

“I miss your love for many days,
for many months, in many ways…
But there is no wrong time or room
in sight of nature and it’s bloom.”
“I wish you well
like sun is wishing light…
No flower asks
is blossom wrong or right.”
“Stones are laying for you
as the memories carried away…
Moments are precious when present
like a spring just lasting in May.”
“When you are carrying a holy bag,
it may be very hard to drag…
On one holy day you’ll put it down
so you can hold your holy crown.”
“I will pick my battles –
that means I shall have none…
Since lightening has striked,
all clearing has been done.”
“I really really hope
that you can keep afloat…
We all have the same big ocean
while owning a different boat.”
“Love has a bottom,
love has the waves –
highest of peaks
and the deepest of caves…”
“Eyes of water
look so deep –
they smile with us
in joy and weep.”
“Show me the sweetest reflection –
still it’s not about the perfection…
Lovely is honest and true –
until the love is a due.”
“Let the birds sing in your garden,
let the buds blossom in flow…
No matter what happens to us –
we raise and flourish and grow.”
“Do not settle for broke.
Life is an infinite luck stroke…
Just wait a tiny bit more
and chances will land on your shore.”
“Do not water flowers with tears,
do not light the fire with fears.
You’ll reap what you gonna sow…
But mind the soul, the core and the dough.”
“We are slowly getting into heaven,
the ladder shaking, cracking many ways…
But we’ll get there right before the fall down
since we’ve practiced climbing rainbow rays…”
“I want you to feel what I feel –
in front of the mirrow I stand…
But others may be full of sorrow
and that’s all they can understand.”
“Stand by me like real mate –
spirits don’t vote for debate.
Let’s fit poses, let’s match paws…
Let’s trust nature and it’s laws.”
“We all hope for the future
but present should be paid…
Minds got to yet remember
what our hearts have said.”
“The magic is in touch…
if we don’t hope too much –
when love is a signature
and heart is crystal pure.”
“Big kids need bigger teddies –
Mom, don’t make mistakes…
We never have forgotten
the size of birthday cakes!”
“Freedom is something you feel,
wholeheartedly sense and believe…
Like a house what turns into home
when lovers join under the dome.”
“You can do it – you can make it,
you can break it through…
If you want and do not fake it –
staying strong and true.”
“There is a cross on every spider
which I come across…
I knit my network carefully
’cause I am still the boss.”
“Let’s train these inner muscles –
love is our biggest skill…
The mind still jumps and hustles
but power lays in will.”
“Happy and sad, joyful or mad –
all feelings are leaves of one tree…
Listener listens, a talker is talking –
but your mind and the spirit are free.”
“Lantern shines better when high
while people and public pass by…
It’s saving lives even in dark
when talking to one with a spark.”
“Who is a boy?
A man turned into a toy…
Who is a woman?
A girl touched by the love
of a human.”
“When you are tossing and turning –
’cause love is painfully burning…
Light up creational fire
which others can wow and admire.”
“Fake is often simple,
easier to find…
Yet transparence of windows
has not cured any blind.”
“One cup is empty, other’s full –
both are so quite meaningful…
One is filled with past life clips
while other awaits for future tips.”
“Are you a lion or a lizard?
A dwarf, a witch or a wizard?
Human shape has different forms…
Godly costumes and uniforms.”
“Two suns are in the sky
when you tell you are mine…
Two birds are flying by –
the God is saying hi!”
“Life is happy,
life is kind
if your heart is
with your mind.”
“You always end things what you started,
doesn’t matter arrived or departed…
Beginnings are for beginners
but endlessness is for all sinners.”
“Damaged goods can wait for springs –
shadows sharpen all the strings.
You’ll deserve what next corner brings…
As long as you invest in wings.”
“We are watched
an eye of Earth
so we are guided well
since birth.”
“It’s easy to be kind when pretty,
the words form pleasant and witty…
But heart is still craving for a twin,
the half of your soul, akin.”
“If slow mornings are buzy as buzy,
your head is spinning and dizzy…
Cross your fingers and trust –
’cause spirit knows wishes not must.”
“The sun was shining before. Well…
It’s down now, is it a hell?
As long as you are with me,
I know it’s heaven I see.”
“Act upon your highest thought –
life notes are free style music taught.
A priceless praise, the dearest raise…
The only item, after saught.”
“Lift your head and hold it high –
you own roots as well as sky.
Don’t let skills become your curse…
The soul will love you, heal and nurse.”
“Sprout your heart and nurture well –
it’s a place where dreams can dwell.
You are a little, tiny star
who shines so bright, who goes so far.”
“I like see-through
here and there…
In men and things…
and everywhere.”
“What is clear and
what is clutter?
I don’t care –
heart does matter.”
“Look into the eyes,
The world is ready for love,
my dear mate!”
“What is right with you?
What is bright in you?
Have no fight with you.
Find the light in you.”
“Mind channels are like a menue
you are choosing from…
Peace and love and bliss
or constant thunderstorm…”